Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My mom is a green belt

but she doesn't know karate.
Quote by Little Clover to our friends.

My Lean Sigma Green Belt training continued this week, so it's nothing but statistics for me at work. I think I would have enjoyed life as an economist. With some luck, I'll be a certified Green Belt by the end of this calendar year. Speaking of belts, we saw Kung Fu Panda this weekend. The movie is fantastic. The film is complete and leaves you with a feeling of fullness. Yet, when we walked out of the theatre, I turned to Italian and said, "I want to see this movie, again." He agreed. It had everything a good movie should, and it had everything a good kids movie should. While the previews were showing, you could feel the buzz of excitement from all the kids in the theatre. There were children twitching in their seats and some were downright jittery. It was the cutest thing to see. At the end of the movie, the theatre clapped and cheered and all the little kids were practicing their kung fu moves as they jumped and kicked their way out. Again, cutest thing ever! Seriously, go see the movie. It's worth it.

In addition to the movie, a member of my local knitting group and her charity group at work sponsored World Wide Knit in Public Day on Saturday.

I brought my wheel, as did a couple of other spinners, and Diane even spun her first yarn! We had a great turn out and I met a few Ravelers face to face.

Of course, this weekend also included Father's Day. I have to admit, I think dads are gypped. Mother's Day seems to be surrounded by a hull-a-ba-loo, but not Father's Day. For instance, on Mother's Day, Little Clover makes me a gift, then is very insistent on giving me lots of snuggles and love. On Father's Day, he woke up, gave Italian a wave and a nod and a quick, "Happy Father's Day, Dad," before he leapt into my lap for snuggles. Italian, just laughed. I'm glad he has a good humor about the whole thing. Father's, though, deserve more. I for one, really am grateful for the dads I know. Italian is not only a wonderful partner, but a loving father. Any man who researches how to throw a curveball so he can pass on the knowledge is definitely worth his weight in sandcastles and mudpies.

I would be remiss if I also didn't mention my own daddy (Hello, Daddy!). Thanks, Dad for taking the time on one beautiful day in Colorado to take my training wheel-less bike out for a spin, and letting go. I understand now just how hard that was. I love you.

And to my father-in-law, thank you for welcoming into your family and for making an honorary Italian and fixing shells every year for my birthday. I love you, too.

I'm very glad we took the chance to have a family weekend. With training and baseball and housework, we seldom have the down time to do something fun. I've barely had the time to knit, finding myself pretty tired at the end of a long day. That hasn't stopped me from making some progress on the socks. The yarn and the pattern are quite lovely, so lovely in fact, that I found myself pulling them out of my bag at stoplights and hugging them. Imagine the looks I get.

One last thought for the post. If you ever get the chance to have a kid lead you in crafts take it. It's an interesting perspective and you'll end up with something cool. We ended up with monkeys.

Presenting monkeys as explained and demonstrated by Little Clover who showed us what he learned today at summer camp.

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