Friday, July 14, 2006


Everyone has a weakness that makes her knees crumble with joy as she endulges in it. My weakness is handbags. I can pass up shoes without batting an eye. I can go hours minutes without eating any chocolate. I can even walk into a yarn shop without buying anything - at least, I think I can. Unfortunately, my strength and resolve completely leaves me if I see a purse or bag. My stomach tightens and I fret about how I've lasted as long as I have without that particular bag. So, when the last issue of Knitty came out and it contained a review for the Namaste Messenger Bag, I had to get it. My knees buckled a little and my heart jumped with the cuteness of the turquoise corduroy.

I didn't need it. One look at my stash of bags and anyone would be convinced I did not need yet another bag to add to it. Really, I could live without it. It was big and I had a big knitting bag that was perfect. I was good and didn't visit the website. I kept my distance. Imagine just how shocked I was when I came home one day this week and there was the bag on my doorstep and a fresh charge on my credit card. The memory of the transaction is still a bit hazy. At least it will come in handy for an upcoming trip. It will look great slung across my body in all its unique blue-ness. Plus, it will be roomy enough to hold all the traveling accoutrements a young knitting mom should need.


Dale said...

I'm glad you bought it, buy every bag you want, then as you have in the past, sell your old bags to foxy to make room for your new ones. It's saving me a fortune! PS, that really is a cute bag, I mean... I like boobies...

infiKnitGirl said...

I thought you told me to tell you not to get it! And you went behind my back and got it anyways. Tsh Tsh. I'll forgive you if I can have it when your done with it! :)

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