Sunday, September 03, 2006

Little Clover Day

Little Clover Day

Today is the day that we finally got to meet Little Clover face to face. He was born late in the evening on a beautiful Friday. He didn't cry much, instead, he watched us and he watched the doctors, and he has kept on watching, absorbing the world around him. He gives us amazing insight into his life with the little comments he makes here and there, and you can tell that he loves the world he is in. He brings us complete joy with his laugh, his smile, his hugs, and his snuggles. He is a kind and gentle friend who notices your feelings and does his best to make people happy. I may be a bit biased, but he has been and is the best child a parent could ever hope for. Happy Birthday, my Little Guy. May you have all the happiness you have given others returned to you one hundred fold.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Little Clover. Hope next year is the best year yet!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sweetheart!
I miss you. Happy birthday and all my love to you.